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Root Canal Treatment

When do you need Root Canal Treatment

If the pulp or soft tissue inside the root canal is inflamed or infected, you might be in need of root canal treatment. This is a treatment sequence to remove the infection and protect the decontaminated tooth from further microbial invasion.

Some signs to look out for are

Severe pain while chewing or biting, decay or darkening of gums, lingering sensitivity, swollen or tender gums, chipped / cracked or cracked tooth due to trauma / blow to the tooth, pus formation, a pus formation, gum disease, an improper dental filling etc.

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Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment is a good option as it is a restorative dental procedure. It helps repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. Root Canal Treatment brings complete elimination of the infected portion while also eliminating pain. Further, the materials used for filling and reconstruction are biocompatible.

How The Smile Spa addresses Root Canal Treatment

  • We begin by administering a Local Anaesthesia to numb the tooth and make the patient comfortable throughout the entire process.
  • We then remove the infected portion of the tooth and create an access cavity into the pulpal tissue.
  • This is the most important step in the process, to prevent reinfection - the infected pulpal tissue and debris is cleaned and the root canals are disinfected and shaped.
  • We then proceed to fill and seal the cleaned, shaped root canal space with bio compatible materials after which a permanent filling is done in the access cavity.
  • The crown placement is the last step in the process to provide the required strength to the tooth and avoid re-infection.

The Smile Spa also provides Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment. Our team of dentists have been extensively trained to make the process pain-free, comfortable and also convenient as it saves time. Our Single Sitting Root Canal Treatments are also preferred as it reduces the chances of pain flare-ups, reduces bacterial regrowth and contamination due to prolonged treatment and also has a quick recovery time.


  • Q.1. What to avoid when having a root canal?

    Foods that are either too hot or cold trigger sensitivity after a root canal. Besides, one must also avoid foods that are too hard, crunchy, chewy or sticky.

  • Q.2. What is the recovery period after a root canal?

    You may experience mild soreness for the first 24 hours, but recovery only takes a few days!

  • Q.3. How many visits does a root canal take?

    At The Smile Spa, root canal treatment can also be done in a single sitting. Our team of dentists have been extensively trained to make the process pain-free, comfortable and also convenient as it saves time.

  • Q.4. What can I eat after a root canal?

    Soft fruits like bananas or fruit smoothies are the best way to get plenty of nutrients and vitamins. Other dairy products like yoghurt, milk, milkshakes, ice creams are also suggested.

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